Thursday, February 25, 2010


Amaya's 15 month check up went really well. She has met and bypassed many of her milestones. She is 31" long and in the 60th percentile and she weighs in at 18lbs. and is hugging the 5th percentile. She is such a little pipsqueak.
Amaya has such a great personality. She is a little ham. She loves to laugh, dance and talk. Did I mention that she likes to talk? I am not sure who she gets that from??? LOL A few of her newest words are cheese, noodle, cracker, nana, uncle, auntie, yee-haw, eyes, nose, baby, shoes Natalie, and love you! It is too darn cute. Enjoy her Christmas pictures below and we will be back soon. Love ya!!!

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