Thursday, February 25, 2010


Amaya's 15 month check up went really well. She has met and bypassed many of her milestones. She is 31" long and in the 60th percentile and she weighs in at 18lbs. and is hugging the 5th percentile. She is such a little pipsqueak.
Amaya has such a great personality. She is a little ham. She loves to laugh, dance and talk. Did I mention that she likes to talk? I am not sure who she gets that from??? LOL A few of her newest words are cheese, noodle, cracker, nana, uncle, auntie, yee-haw, eyes, nose, baby, shoes Natalie, and love you! It is too darn cute. Enjoy her Christmas pictures below and we will be back soon. Love ya!!!

Christmas Celebrations!!

Amaya's favorite part of opening gifts is climbing in to the box.
As we grabbed for the camera, she threw her head back and said "CHEESE"

This isn't my gift, but I am still gonna open it!

Ornament Exchange at the Sala's house.
Sierra, Del, me and Paige

Big cheesy smile!

Amaya and Teagan wanting to go outside

Amaya decorating the tree

This is the tree that Amaya chose for our house

Mom, Dad and I getting ready to choose our tree at the Jenkinson Tree Lot

Monday, February 8, 2010


Wow! It has been so busy in the Eubanks household, but we are back! I have updated her blog from Halloween, her birthday and a few extras. I will stay on top of it, or at least try to stay on top of things. I will get everyone caught up eventually. There is so much to see as we watch Amaya grow. Stay tuned for her Christmas pics, snow trip and our trip to L.A. Take care and enjoy!

Lots To See!

Audreyna, Nathan and I. Watch Out!

Cruis'n down the street in my 5-7....

Beautiful Ballerina

Hangin out with a few of my cousins.

Take note 1 year olds, this is how it is done!

Yum! Yum!

Pretty in pink!

Move over Marilyn Monroe!
Pin the tail on the donkey.

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Teagan and Amaya entertained by Amaya's foot.

Happy Halloween!
Amaya the caterpillar, Dad as Chris and me!
Cheese!! She was so excited about her Halloween socks! LOL

Audreyna, Amaya, Ricky and Nathan ready to hit the town!